Release of Liability
By the use of the facilities and/or programs of Strength for Every Body and Kayla Anderson, the undersigned expressly agrees that Kayla Anderson/Strength for Every Body shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by the undersigned or his or her guest(s) in, on or about the premises of the exercise facility or home gym. The undersigned assumes full responsibility for all injuries for activity or negligence, damages, or losses which may occur to the undersigned or guests in or about the premises of said facilities and does herby fully and forever release and discharge Kayla Anderson/Strength for Every Body from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, or causes of action, present or future, whether the same be known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of the undersigned and his or her guests' use or intended use of said facilities and programs thereof. The undersigned agrees that if any lawsuit arises out of their use of programs by Kayla Anderson/Strength for Every Body, they agree to indemnify Kayla Anderson/Strength for Every Body in the connection with all of them.
The undersigned warrants, represents and agrees that the undersigned is in good physical condition and that he or she has no medical ailment, impairment, or inability preventing him or her from engaging in active or passive exercise that will be detrimental in inimical to his or her health, safety, comfort or physical condition if he or she does so engage or participate. It is recommended that everyone consult their physician before beginning any exercise program. The undersigned voluntarily consents participation in all activities, understanding that injury, or even death, may occur. All disputes that arise out of the use of Kayla Anderson's/Strength for Every Body programs and/or services will be heard in an Illinois court of law. In the event that the court finds any clause or provision of this document to be invalid, the balance of the paragraphs will remain enforceable.